Worksheet for Letter O (20+ printables for tracing, coloring pages, and more)
A quick search for “worksheet for letter O” will return hundreds of results but landing here is a good place to start if you’re looking for just the right printable to meet your student needs. This comprehensive pack offers enough variety to accommodate any student learning the letter O, uppercase and lowercase.
Here are a few examples of what you’ll find…
Letter O coloring page crown with an octopus and the text, “I know the letter Oo.”

This letter O printable is ideal for kids that like to be on the move. I call it, “Write the room.” Hang up labeled pictures that begin with the letter O, around the room, place the printable on a clipboard and let students find the pictures and write a letter o once they have found the it.

Tracing letter o
Here is one of the tracing worksheets included in this resource. Students have a shaded box, much like Handwriting Without Tears that visually help students write the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Find these Letter O worksheets at Teachers Pay Teachers website. To see what else is included in this resource here is a preview of each printable and worksheet…
Letter O Letter Recognition
These activities focus on letter identification for uppercase and lowercase. There are Letter O posters in color and coloring pages, word wall cards, dot marker printables, a book with real images of things that begin with the leter O, playdoh mats and more.

Beginning Sounds Letter O Printables
These printables focus on the sound letter O makes. They include the long and short sound. There are clipcards, one-page foldable book, sentence build, coloring sheet, sound sort and crown.

Tracing M
These worksheets practice writing and tracing the letter O. There are different tracing worksheets to accommodate all students.

Letter O Worksheets
These worksheets practice letter identification, sounds and tracing. They are ideal for advanced prek-kindergarten.

Find all these letter O worksheets at my at my TPT store.
Buy the whole set of alphabet worksheets at a steep discount and not worry about spending so much time trying to find what you need for each letter of the alphabet.

Click here for another alphabet letter
The rest are coming soon…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z