Letter C Worksheet [30+ Printables]
Sometimes finding the right letter c worksheet to meet each of your student needs can be challenging. That is why I use multiple printables and worksheets instead. Read through this post for ideas in teaching the letter c.
Letter C Worksheets, Activities and Printables for preschool
Here are some fun printables and worksheets that teach the letter c.
These printables are great for initial exposure to learning letters. There are posters and word wall labels you can hang in your room for students to begin letter recognition.
Dot marker, q-tip painting and play dough mats that help develop fine motor skills.

This letter C worksheet is a color by code mystery picture. Mystery pictures are engaging and help kids discern the difference between uppercase and lower letters. Color by code worksheets can be too advanced for younger kids (it’s a lot of coloring), but a differentiated approach could be using paint instead of crayons.

After a few experiences of letter identification, I spend more time on beginning sounds.
Here the students look at the picture, say what it is and listen for the beginning sound. If the beginning sound is |c| then they clip the picture. I start out with just four picture cards, rotate them, then advance to the harder cards on a different day or use for differentiation.

Tracing Worksheets
When my students are ready for writing, we start with tracing worksheets and then progress with writing independently. One activity I use is, “Write the room” where I hang up cards throughout the room that have a picture of something that begins with C. Next the students use a sheet and clipboard to write the letter C when they find the matching picture. It gives them an opportunity to move around all while learning the letter c.

These are just a few ideas of some letter c printables that help teach the letter Cc.
If you like these examples and are looking for more, this resource will meet your needs.
Here’s what is included:
Letter C Letter Recognition Activities
This includes a poster for your literacy center, an alphabet poster to hang in your classroom – both can be used as a coloring sheet too; Letter C book that uses repetitive sight word text and real pictures of things that begin with the letter c; There are labels and cards that can be used for word walls or matching games; simple letter posters ideal for multisensory practice; dot marker pages; q-tip painting; playdough mats; letter sort; and color-by-code coloring sheets.

Beginning Sounds
These printables focus on the sound letter c makes. There are clip cards, one-page book printable; build a sentence; color the pictures with the C sound; sound sort; and a coloring crown.

If you’re working on writing the letter C, these tracing sheets have letter posters, prewriting tracing lines; simple tracing (4 attempts); tracing within boxes like used with Handwriting Without Tears; Tracing with arrow prompts; write the room; and tracing with a maze.

Letter C Worksheets
These 3 worksheets include multiple skills and are ideal for advanced preschoolers or kindergarten students.

Find these printables in this Letter of the week, Alphabet Letter C Activities.
Need another letter?
The rest are coming soon…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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