Hi there, I’m Teresa.
I run Dream Big Little One – a website that provides ideas and inspiration for early childhood educators.
If you have ever asked yourself, “How can I ensure my students are learning their letters and numbers and all of those other academic standards while still making time for play?”
Then you are in the right place.
What am I all about?
I am a corporate instructional designer turned preschool teacher. I love creating resources that promote learning and leaves a mental note in each student’s mind that school is a good thing and learning is fun.
If my philosophy on education interests you then consider becoming an email subscriber.
I’m will show you ways to incorporate academic standards into everyday play.
You will gain access to my digital resource library where you can download free printables to supplement your teaching.
Administrators and parents will see your efforts and value you as a teacher.
And most importantly,
Your students will leave your classroom with positive learning experiences and the skills they need to be ready for kindergarten.
Dream big,